
LG TV Flickering (Potential Causes & A Quick Fix)

Most LG Smart TVs eventually have the same problem: the screen flickers on and off.

We’ve seen countless claims of LG TV owners having this exact issue, with some stating it’s been a problem for years!

Fortunately, there is a quick fix that should fix about 90% of LG TVs that are flickering.

How To Fix An LG TV Flickering

If your LG TV is flickering on and off, you need to soft reset the television. To do this, unplug the TV and wait an entire minute. While its unplugged, press and hold the power button (on the TV) for 30 seconds straight. After the 60 seconds are up, you can proceed to plug the television back in and the flickering should be fixed!

Unplug LG TV From The Wall Outlet

A common fix for LG TV screen flickering issues on your LG TV is to unplug it from the wall outlet.

Don’t rush the process and wait an entire 60 seconds before plugging it back in.

While the TV is unplugged, find and press the power button on your TV for 30 seconds, typically located on the bottom or back of the television.

NOTE: You must hold the power button on your TV, and not the remote control for this to work correctly.

This is more efficient than turning your TV on and off because it will cause your TV to do a soft reset and use up any remaining battery life.

After at least one minute, reconnect the TV’s power supply, and the LG TV screen should work properly again!

This fix should work for most of you, but we have a few other troubleshooting solutions if it doesn’t.

RELATED POST: LG TV Light Blinking (Red/Green/Blue) & Won’t Turn On Fix

Turn Off Energy Saving Mode

Newer LG TV Models come with an Energy Saving Mode enabled. It allows you to control different settings on the television to save electricity wherever possible, which is more crucial than ever due to rising energy prices!

NOTE: Energy Saving Mode has been known cause occassional issues, so it may be worth turning them off.

To turn off energy saving more, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Gear icon on your remote control.
  2. Scroll until you see “All Settings” and select it.
  3. Choose “Support” then “Energy Saving.”
  4. Turn Energy Saving Mode Off.

Try the picture settings if you’re having trouble finding the Energy Saving settings.

Change The Input Source

If you’re having flickering problems, it may be an issue with the input source.

Sometimes, the connection becomes corrupted and can’t transfer all of the information needed!

Here’s how to change the input source.

With a remote

  • Turn on your LG Smart TV.
  • Click the “Source” button on your remote control.
  • Choose the correct input source.

Without a remote

  • Turn on your LG Smart TV.
  • Press the “Menu” button, which is located on the side or bottom of your TV.
  • Press the volume buttons to navigate the input source menu.
  • To select the desired source, click the menu button.

NOTE: If this doesn’t work, it could be an issue with an external device. Unplug, then replug in each external device to your LG TV.

Update The LG TV

Occasionally, flickering issues boil down to outdated software on your LG TV.

It’s a quick solution that may fix the problem altogether, so it’s worth a shot.

To update the television, follow these instructions:

Settings > All settings > General > About this TV > Check for Updates

If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions and update your TV. This will take a few minutes to complete!

Factory Reset The LG TV

If you’ve exhausted all the other troubleshooting solutions, it’s time to factory reset your LG Smart TV.

Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Press the “Home” button on your remote control.
  2. Select “Settings” near the screen’s top right.
  3. Go to “All Settings” then “General”.
  4. Press “Reset to initial settings”.

NOTE: This will remove all applications and account settings from your television. Please note any important information before factory resetting the TV.

Check For Internal Hardware Problems

LG TV black screen or flickering issues could be caused by internal hardware failure.

Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to open the back of the television, so I recommend trying the other options first.

If you’re tech-savvy, look at what’s inside but for the 90% who aren’t: contact a professional or check on your LG warranty if the television is relatively new.

Utilize Your LG Warranty

If all else fails, you should see what your warranty with LG covers.

The following steps will be decided after you provide information about what is happening with your TV.

What might result from your warranty is as follows:

  • Nothing (the warranty does not cover the problem)
  • Repair (send the TV in to get fixed or they may come right to your house to fix it)
  • Replacement (you may receive a new TV depending on what happened)

If you’ve tried everything else on this list and are still having trouble, it might be worth a try. Hope this was useful!


Nothing is worse than relaxing after a long day, turning on your LG TV, and seeing it flickering.

Hopefully, one of the solutions we listed was able to help you solve the problem:

  • Unplug LG TV From Wall Outlet
  • Turn Off Energy Saving Mode
  • Change The Input Source
  • Update The LG TV
  • Factory Reset The LG TV
  • Check For Internal Hardware Problems
  • Utilize Your LG Warranty

If you’re still having issues, it may be an issue where you have sound but no picture, which can be fixed using this guide.